Thursday, May 8, 2008

back to the main subject

here i sit looking at this darn blog and i've noticed that i haven't really taken the time to discuss and celebrate my small victories (no pun intended), my new girls! (and it's funny because i was talking on the phone to my mom the other day on the phone at work and i was using code word 'girls' and when i got off the phone, this guy that sits next to me was like, 'i had no idea you had twins!')

i was *going* to simply point at my perkies and say, 'Why yes i do!' ...but you know how big companies are with their darn harassment policies... can't even slap anyone's ass anymore. (I'm totally kidding... i have never slapped anyone's ass at work... on purpose... ok, maybe i have... or maybe i just thought about it... ok, maybe not a slap... more of a squeeze... a big, nice squeeze... or a daydream about a big, nice squeeze... ok, enough)

jeez buddy, if all you have to do all day is listen to my conversations, perhaps you should get a hobby. or maybe i'll just mess with his head and start being *real* explicit when i talk about them... 'oh, yes... you want me to talk about how they used a surgical grade exacto knife and carefully cut out my nipples like a diligent kindergartner?' that oughtta get him to stop listening. :)

so, a couple of weeks ago i got this wacky infection thing in my left boob. they said it stemmed from one stitch (crazy!) and i was all sick and tied and icky... they gave me some serious antibiotics and it got better. well, it also turns out that i had some sort of hematoma there too (which sounds positively, medically disgusting!)... guess i wasn't supposed to be raking the front yard or picking up my nieces after all...

so this hematoma (which is basically a big clot of pooled blood), um, exploded (ok, that's not a medical term, but i can't think of a better one) and turned my boob a bright a grimace from mcdonalds purple. n-a-s-t-y. it was scary and my darling p was making a face similar to a toddler when forced to eat brussel sprouts.

then it turned pink

then it turned yellow

and now... finally... it's back to it's former self except for one really bizarre thing. the scar, which kind of runs underneath the whole breast has retracted a bit (for 1.5 inches of my breast underneath the shape is like a frown instead of a smile...does that make any sense?) where the hematoma was. my doctor assured me that it will probably fix itself, or that we can go back in and do a *revision.* doesn't that sound scary :(

oh well... on a good, happy note... the girls have been happy and i've been hitting the gym almost every day! since i started about two weeks ago, i've lost ten whole pounds... that's two bags of potatoes... woohoo! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Mom had a scar revision-- it wasn't too much of a big deal in the end.