Thursday, March 27, 2008

rules, shmools....

after reading (which undoubtedly feels like snooping) other's blogs, i'm feeling quite popular. so, bowing to peer pressure, i now present you with {insert a muppets-animal-style drum roll here} ... my big, bad blog

before we begin, some ground rules:

1) i sometimes don't like using capital letters. perhaps i'm e e cummings reincarnated...or perhaps i have double-jointed pinky fingers that don't like pressing the shift key... or even perhaps it's because my parents (and especially my dad, who up until last year called his computer the 'solitaire machine,' continually write in all capital letters). Reading an entire email in that manner is rated up there with verbal abuse if you ask me... as in, 'HI HONEY!!! HOW IS YOUR DAY GOING??? DO YOU LIKE THE CLIENT THAT YOU ARE AT TODAY???' seriously...

2) i like using the word 'seriously.' i had a handle on it way before meredith grey boinked mcdreamy...

3) i also enjoy '...' you know 'dot, dot, dot' my friends call it way too informal... i call it way too fantastic

hmm, that's it for now... seriously


- said...

i'm SO in already ... i feel a little betrayed that meredith made "seriously" trendy b/c now i worry that it will go out of style. kinda like when your favorite restaurant all the sudden is trendy and prices triple. no good. b/c i over think things as a hobby, i've started considering new alternatives to "seriously", no good candidates yet. but i'm open to suggestions.

Beth said...

I am so excited I have something else to read while adjudicating. . . I too am a fan of the "..." Rock on Amy!

Kristen Risley said...

When will you post again? Can you please post multiple times a day like Ali does? I think you guys should consider "fo showa" instead of seriously. Or maybe 'like duh!'. I think those are both appropriate. Please use liberally.

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Ok, seriously, you know from my blog that THE ELLIPSIS IS MY FRIEND. Oh wait, that was your dad, he says hi.

Honey, I love your new blog. Your funny, smart, wise voice shines through. And pink and green are always good. Off to update my blogroll now...