Monday, March 31, 2008


Why is it that on my *last* day of work here at the old job, I am being bombarded with things and questions and answers and requests... I am not a people person right now and I don't care.

Why is it that every time my cube neighbor walks by my cube, he hits his hand on the little space they try to qualify as a doorway. Is it a non-verbal hello or is he just trying to drive me crazy? Considering the goddarn ringtone on his cell phone plays "More Than A Feeling" when it rings (and it rings *a lot*...I'm thinking he may actually be dealing drugs...after all, he doesn't do much else all day) I think the latter as I'm feeling a little closer to the mental hospital each time I come in here.

Why is that for the second day in a row I didn't hear the weather report correctly. I know those incompetent ass clowns can't seem to get even the following day correct on the weather report, but could they at least get the 'right now' forecast? I'm faaah-reeeeezing.

Why is that I want to lose weight, but can only think about what I want for lunch?


1 comment:

- said...

the whole cell phone thing gets a little out of control over here too. weird b/c when i first started here it was like there was some edict from God himself that forbade cell phone use. i guess God forgot over time ?