Tuesday, June 24, 2008

i steeeenk

ya know, i do... i stink... or, more specifically, i stink at keeping up with my sad excuse for a blog. i've had a lot of shtuff going on. nothing bad, of course; just your typical, run around/crazy/creating more work for myself type of months. awesome.

kitchen is coming along (pictures will follow at some point i promise) but my biggest conundrum this week is that my 1/2 share of my csa is coming (yay!) and i'm not sure what i'm going to do with some of the things being sent... for those that don't know what a csa is, look here --> CSA

I'm psyched about the strawberries and all that, but the first four or so? Any recipes are welcome!!!

Bok Choi
Mustard Greens
Red Kale
Bunched Cilantro
Romaine Lettuce
Green Leaf Lettuce
Potted Herb Plant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! I joined a similar veggie share crop thing in Maui. It was awesome. You will get to try all sorts of fun new veggies. I have all sorts of new favorite veggies (i think swiss chard and bok choy are my favorites!). If i didn't know what to do with them i sauteed them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, I added sesame seeds to some too.
Oh, so exciting. I was hoping to find something like this in MA but hadn't looked yet - now i know they are out there.
There is something refreshing about buying local - I think the food really does taste better :)