Friday, April 25, 2008

dammit you personal trainer man

so yesterday i was an extra good doobie and took advantage of the gym in my building... they let you try out a 'get to know ya' personal training appointment on the house (which i think is super as all of the equipment is all different and they help you set up a program)

anyhoo... it went great (props to the 'nice on the eyes' hunk-of-a-trainer-man-boy (i'm fairly sure he's at least 8 years younger than me)) and he was really helpful. like a typical trainer, he pushed me pretty hard and i'm paying for it now...

why you ask?

i can't comb my hair, get ouy of my chair... and it hurt to brush my teeth this evening

(sigh... gotta start somewhere right?)

1 comment:

- said...

if you are ever interested in running downtown (perhaps around the park or over by the charles) just let me know.

could also be a run / walk.