Saturday, April 26, 2008

pens and ink and dryers oh my

last night i turned our dryer on before i left my house to run a couple of errands (in my old age, being efficient like this also makes me as excited as kid at christmas... oh boy do i need a life)

that clanking and rattling? totally ignored it in my haste... and what a mistake it was

p is now lovingly using some sort of 'hairspray-lysol' homemade concoction which he insists will work on the *INK* all over the inside of the dryer. somehow a pen made it through qc and proceeded to blow its proverbial load, well, all over my load of darks. thankfully, they're darks... but i'm secretly afraid to look for fear that there's some sort of big ink spot on my favorite jeans (i say favorite because they're pretty much the only suckers that fit right now)... a nice rorschach on my ass would be a nice touch, don't you think?

and i just heard p say, 'g-d this sucks. i hope i get something in return for doing this...' men... seriously?

well, it'll be two months (!) since my surgery this week... hard to believe. i have realized that they are quite the weather device as well (most people (including my mom) will say, ooh, my ankle is bothering me... must be going to rain)... now i get to say, 'oh, the perkies think it will be sunny and 65 today.' a veritable farmers almanac i say! i'll let you know the seven day forecast once i become more tuned in :)

off to try and do something (anything) with my backyard... it's been the bastard stepchild of my gardening foray so far...


Grandy said...

YIKES to the laundry mishap. I hate it when that happens. At least it was the darks.

I came to say hello from our bipolarlawyercook friend.

- said...

lesson learned ? don't do laundry !