Sunday, April 27, 2008

magically disappearing ink

ok, so it didn't disappear magically, but by some hard scrubbing by my delightful p... some simple lysol did it for inside the dryer (thank goodness as a new dryer wasn't in the budget) and remarkably enough *hair spray* worked on some of the fabrics... even more remarkable was that it was p's idea. like a little macgyver he said, 'where's the hairspray?' i was skeptical and asked what he needed it for... he said, 'well, it was my pen and i wanted to help... so i googled it.' what a darling :)

and it worked!

p and i went to three different grocery stores (in typical american gluttony, they're all next to each other, so we did think in advance about cost savings vs gas burning). we made a list, i looked through the flyers, and get this... what typically costs us about $130 cost (drum roll please) $58.71. Holy crap people! I'm now a believer in thinking ahead.

is anyone else secretly glad it's going to rain this week? i was getting nervous for my floppy and thirsty pansies. happy sunday y'all!

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