Tuesday, April 22, 2008

so much to say, so little time

ooh, it's been awhile over here since i've written last. i must admit that while i've thought about writing, i've been far too (1) busy or (2) lazy, depending on when you catch me. i've actually had *so* much to do that i'm becoming a morning person... i'm getting at least an hour and a half more of productive time in the morning, rather than on the back end of the day when i veg and read all of the magazines and catalogs (of items i'll never be able to afford to purchase anyway) before drifting off.

why is that through the entire month of march, when i had nearly nothing to do, the weather stunk... and now that it's april and nice out, i'm up over my head in shhhtuff. (not to self: never start new position in the spring!)

i've had lots of exciting things happen (the word 'exciting' takes on a whole new meaning when you turn thirty i think)... let's see:

(1) My kitchen is being painted and prettied up. We chose a sunny, fantabulous yellow and are now splurging on some new counters, faucet, stove and island... ooh, and lights... i hope. i hope they're in the budget because i really want to do it right (but not go too wild on the spending)

(2) in not so fun news, i developed some sort of bizarre infection as the result of my surgery which made me super sick... like, 'thought i might as well die' sick... and it completely coincided with the painter being at the house. disgusting paint smell: check. feeling nauseous and only having one bathroom: check. i'm thankful that i never have to relive those two days.

(3) better news: my left girl is on the mend and has bounced back (literally) to her new and improved self....which leads me to...

(4) i returned to the gym for the first time in a very long time. to think last year i was prepping for a four-mile road race... yesterday 20 minutes on the treadmill was just about as much as i could handle. i keep telling myself to not push it and i'll get back into it, but i can't help but be somewhat disappointed. why does it take so long to get in shape... and so quickly to get out of it. disheartening!

(5) we woke up this weekend to two, count 'em, two little birdy couples fighting for the honor of calling 91.5 hill st. home. for those that don't know me (or don't already think i'm crazy), that's actually, um, my birdhouse. (told you i was crazy) i painted it two years ago to look exactly like our house and i've been waiting ever since to see some new occupants. well, after much waiting, p and i watched two couples beat the living crap out of each other trying to make it their little home. i think it was the little guys (the finches) who won out (which is super!) and when i'm in the backyard i can hear them building their little nest. it almost sounds like they're renovating with the knock, knock, knock

(6) volunteered at the boston food bank this morning. we helped sort and look through pallets of snacks (crackers, cookies) etc. which makes me realize just how wasteful i can be (they have a rule that as long as the inner packaging is not broken, they tape the boxes and send it along). very fulfilling, if not inspiring... well except for the man who said repeatedly 'i'm a'gonna kiss ya tonight' and the cat-calling from the prison across the street. other than that, it was great!

i'm going to start walking/jogging every night to get ready for Jod's wedding... after all, I have to fit into the dress! (here it is, but mine's in black) ...you likey???

1 comment:

BipolarLawyerCook said...

Next time you go to the Food Bank, I would love to go. And _I_ don't mind the catcalling-- I'll take whatever compliments I can get. Even felons can have good taste. : )